Last year I wrote about reading the Bible in one year for 2023. It was a daily reading that bounced from the Old Testament to the New Testament to a Psalm to a Proverb. My old recorded was March 27th. I’d never gotten past that day.

I didn’t miss a day last year, even with open heart surgery. I haven’t missed a day this year, either. I’m currently using the Bible Recap plan in my YouVersion Bible app. I like it because I can listen while I read. It is like learning from my school years.

I say all of that to say this, there is a lot of lying that goes on in the Old Testament.

The serpent lied to Eve to get the ball rolling, but there are plenty more by the people the Bible is about. Abraham, the father of many nations, lies twice. Sarah lies to God. Jacob lies to Isaac, Isaac lied to Abimelech, Jacob’s sons lie to him and so on.

These are all the people we learned about as children. There were songs about many of them, but they made mistakes and God stuck to His plan and used these people who lied.

We make mistakes, but he can use us, as well. Be ready and willing.

Make it a great day in the trenches. Be extra being you.

