
The Manly Message

We are a group of men exploring the reality of biblical manhood in our everyday lives ~ M.I.T.T.


January 2023

Identify and Write the Vision

[2] And the Lord answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it. [3] For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.
Habakkuk 2:2‭-‬3 ESV

I’ve been meeting with a group of on-fire friends once a week and recently we’ve started going through a book on faith. It talks of the different stages of faith and the recent one was talking about faith that waits. Faith that endures until the time is right.

I’ve been feeling so stirred up in the Lord. I feel confident that He has placed His vision in my heart for my city, county, state, and country. And it’s something that I absolutely cannot accomplish with my own works.

The first step to understanding your purpose is identifying and writing down the vision God has given you. Spend time with Him and allow Him to highlight the vision. The second step is praying and staying stirred up in that vision until it’s time. Write down the vision God has given you and begin to share it in faith. Share it with others to stir up their faith, but mainly to cause you to go deeper in belief in what God is going to do through your life.

I love verse 3 because all the pieces have to align in order to see God’s will happen in mighty ways. I’m not going to see my city changed overnight or after one prayer. It’s going to take a collective of people to believe for God’s best. And the same goes for the vision God gives you. It’s not going to happen until He brings all the pieces together, until He softens all the hearts, in order to follow and fulfill His will.

What is it that God has placed on your heart? What drives you deeper into the Lord? What injustices rile you up? What areas of modern society do you wish to see the Kingdom of God come upon?

Start with this; What has God placed you on this Earth to do?

God bless you today and everyday,

Matthew Spurlock

Overcoming adversity

This weekend for me was rough as I got hit with a bad cold and lost my voice. I was also nervous about the Kansas City Chiefs chances against Cincinnati with Mahomes and Kelce being hurt. After all the Bengals smack talk (Burrowhead, the Cinc. Mayor requesting Burrow to take a paternity test to see if he was Mahomes daddy – wow), I really wanted the Chiefs to take down the Bengals otherwise Burrow was on the verge of stealing The Chiefs and Mahomes legacy. It was going to take an amazing TEAM game.

The Chiefs faced adversity, they persevered and overcame multiple injuries (three of their 3 WR went down early as well as their #1 CB and a TOP LB) and pulled off an amazing TEAM win.

  • Chris Jones felt last years Championship lost was on him because he missed 2 sacks on Burrow, He got 2 sacks tonight and dominated despite being double teamed most of the night. And when he didn’t get Burrow, 3 other guys did.
  • Sky Moore muffed multiple punt returns earlier this year, to the point they demoted him. Yet they said, your time will come. He made the huge return to setup the game winning FG.
  • With their top CB L. Sneed going down in the first possession, the Chiefs had 4-5 rookie DBs playing significant time and they all made key plays despite also getting beat a few times earlier in the game.
  • And Harrison Butker who blew out his ankle in week 1, struggled upon his return, fans turned on Him and called for him to be benched and cut. He nailed key kicks despite not being fully healthy.
  • WR Marcus Kemp just activated off the practice squad, a 5 year special teamer with hardly any OFF playing time, is activated the day before and makes a key 1st down catch.
  • WR MVS who was inconsistent all year stepped UP huge in clutch moments and had his best game as a Chief.

Yes, the officiating was bad, but it was bad all around and hopefully the NFL gets it fixed for the integrity of the game. Yet even though I still feel miserable physically, watching my team execute and take the victory when the chips were down was amazing.

We saw a team of guys who love each other persevere through adversity together and it was cool.

James 1:2-4 ESV

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds,

because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.

Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

Power Over Sin

John 8:24
24 I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am He, you will indeed die in your sins.”

Pastors, we lift you up in prayer. Thank you for all that you do.

I think that sometimes we don’t have a strong enough understanding of the power sin. It is a separation from our Savior. That leads to death.

However, Jesus’ love and sacrifice are even more powerful that sin. He overcame death for us, but only if we accept it, confess, and repent of our sins.

Make it a great week in the trenches. Be exceptional at being you.



P.S. Stay warm.

What Does Love Look Like to You?

John 15:10-12
10 If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. 11 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. 12 My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.

Unconditional … that’s how Jesus loves us. Do we pass that on or do we have little boxes to check before we freely give our love?

We won’t every measure up, but if we choose to pursue being Christlike, then even falling short of that type of love will still be better than we can do without His love as a guide.

Loving unconditionally is hard, but if what’s what we’re receiving, that is what we should be working to give.

Make it a great day in the trenches. Be exceptional at being you.




Ephesians 6:18 NIV

18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.

Highlights of this verse:

  1. Pray in the spirit. Find your alone time, better yet, make your alone time. I ask the Holy Spirit to guide your prayers.
  2. With all kinds of prayers and requests. God doesn’t limit the amount of prayers you can request, only we do that. Pray for the big, the small, and everything in between.
  3. Pray for yourself as well as others. Men, prayer is a powerful tool. I know that I have had others people’s answered prayers come true in my life. God does that, He loves doing that. Pray for your family, your friends, your community, your enemy, pray for others!

with love, dlp


Worship (song) Wednesday

with love, dlp


January 24th Manly Message

Only by pride comes contention: but with the well advised comes wisdom. – Proverbs 13:10

Now Jesus stood before the governor, and the governor asked him, “Are you the King of the Jews?” Jesus said, “You have said so.” But when he was accused by the chief priests and elders, he gave no answer. Then Pilate said to him, “Do you not hear how many things they testify against you?” But he gave him no answer, not even to a single charge, so that the governor was greatly amazed. – Matthew 27:11-14

There is a lot to be said along the lines of “Christians need to use their voice more.” And I agree to this, in the right way. We need to lovingly stand for the truth and proclaim the promises and praises of God wherever we go. We need to call out unrighteousness when we’ve been given the authority to do so.

BUT I know that there has been a lot of harm done out of the mouths of Christians. Harm that comes from “I need to do this or God won’t be pleased with me” mentalities, spurred along by emotional charges.

God is not just looking for mouthpieces to spread the Kingdom. He is looking for people connected to His Heart. People whose words would flow out God’s revealed love. People that discern the will of God in every situation.

Another point to go along with this topic is about “being right.” I have seen people fight tooth and nail over the idea of “being right” in whatever situation has come up. The motivating factor behind “being right no matter the cost” is pride. I’ve seen people commit slanderous murders because they felt the need to justify themselves in situations and “help” others to see that they were indeed right. The idea of “being right” and telling others that you’re right creates nothing but division.

It takes a discerning person to know when to speak and when not to. I look at the excerpt from Matthew and am amazed by Jesus’s actions. He was so sure of His identity that He knew to just be silent. He understood the mission of love at hand. That’s what we all need, isn’t it? A better understanding of who we are. Then, I believe we will be able to clearly understand when to speak.

God bless you today and everyday,

Matthew Spurlock

Psalm 62

“For God alone my soul waits in silence; from him comes my salvation. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken. How long will all of you attack a man to batter him, like a leaning wall, a tottering fence? They only plan to thrust him down from his high position. They take pleasure in falsehood. They bless with their mouths, but inwardly they curse. Selah For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from him. He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken. On God rests my salvation and my glory; my mighty rock, my refuge is God. Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us. Selah Those of low estate are but a breath; those of high estate are a delusion; in the balances they go up; they are together lighter than a breath. Put no trust in extortion; set no vain hopes on robbery; if riches increase, set not your heart on them. Once God has spoken; twice have I heard this: that power belongs to God, and that to you, O Lord, belongs steadfast love. For you will render to a man according to his work.”
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭62‬:‭1‬-‭12‬ ‭ESV‬‬

From my Daily Liturgy devotion I received via email this morning:

Prayer of Consecration

The refrain of this psalm, O Lord, beckons me to wait for you in silence. Sometimes that means waiting for you in the silence of emptiness and suffering, when my usual sense of communion with you has gone quiet. Sometimes it means fighting to clear the noise, both without and within, so that I can find the center of silent prayer. I live in a world filled with noise and distraction; and my own hopes are often attached to lesser things. So make me a seeker of silence. Reform my focus and my desires so that my soul waits for you alone. Meet me in the silence in such a powerful way that I am drawn back to your presence again and again. Let me not be content to know about you; rather, help me KNOW you as my rock, my refuge, my salvation and my glory. “For God alone my soul waits in silence… He alone is my rock and my salvation.”

Ultimate Human Forgiveness

Genesis 50:19-21
19 But Joseph said to them, “Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God? 20 You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. 21 So then, don’t be afraid. I will provide for you and your children.” And he reassured them and spoke kindly to them.

Pastors, today is another great opportunity for you. We lift you up in prayer.

This scripture is about Joseph, the favorite son of Jacob, from the Old Testament. Paraphrasing here, but this occurred after he was sold by his brothers, accused of misconduct by his master’s wife, and forgotten in prison by the baker until he was needed. I referenced human forgiveness in the title because Jesus’ forgiveness reigns supreme.

I probably shouldn’t be, but I am always amazed by the abundance of faith from so many people in the Bible. If there was anyone that I would say, had a right to hold a grudge towards others, it is Joseph. However, he chooses to forgive and see the Godly side of the situation he has been placed in.

That is something I am not as good at as Joseph. Id be willing to bet that many of us are not. Perhaps if we take Joseph’s approach we’ll see the bigger picture than just what affect ourselves.

Make it a great week in the trenches. Be exceptional at being you.



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