John 1:9
9 The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world.

Pastors, Christmas season is upon us. You might have some new people coming in the doors. What a great opportunity.

We’re officially in the Christmas season. I’m kind of ready for an overload of Christmas music. Others might not be, but it’s OK either way.

Let’s keep in mind that the true reason for the season is the birth of our Savior … the One who’s love for us was so vast that He took the beating of all beatings and made the sacrifice of all sacrifices for our salvation. And remember, He did all of that and, while in what could have only been EXCRUCIATING pain, asked God to forgive the people mistreating Him down below the cross.

Be a giver, extend love and grace, all in all, be Christlike in this Christmas season.

Make it a great week in the trenches. Be exceptional at being you.

