Good afternoon, men!

Today was my last day at my agency, as Monday I am starting a position as a cyber insurance specialist. I spent the day connecting with my clients and telling them bye, and how much I appreciated their business.

One of my favorite clients stayed on the phone for a while and we commiserated about our time together. He is in a rough stretch of business right now, but he told me: “It’s just hills and valleys, man. It will come back around. Just have to keep God and family first, and trust that he will take care of me.”

I can’t imagine what it would be like to be an independent business owner and have the pressure of high interest rates and inflation killing your sales. It has to be hard.

However, that perspective… “hills and valleys, and trust God’s plan”…that is the way to go! I was so encouraged by his resolve and outlook.

I hope you all have a great weekend and a blessed Thanksgiving!

M.I.T.T. ~ Runyan