Good morning, men!

I am currently reading a book called “Everybody Always” by Bob Goff. My mom sent it to me on a whim and it could not have arrived at a better time.

In the chapter I read this am, Bob talks about the story in the Bible where Jesus touched a blind man. The man said he could see….but not well. People still looked like “trees.” Jesus touched him again and his sight was fully restored.

I was floored by this. You mean Jesus didn’t get it 100% right the first time? You mean the guy looked at Jesus, and said, “Thanks, but I still can’t quite see.” Wow.

Two things stood out to me.

1. The honesty of the man to say, “I see your work, but I’m still not quite where I need to be.”

2. The fact that Jesus needed more than one opportunity to achieve full restoration.

Wherever you are in your walk, I hope this story impacts you like it has me.

Have a blessed day, men!

M.I.T.T. ~ Runyan