Pastors, it is your day, once again. Use your gift successfully as you speak to your congregation.

Recently I have been thinking a lot about the movie, The Passion of the Christ. With the research they put into it, I would guess that is the most accurate depiction of what happened to Jesus when He went to die for our sins.

It gives a clear image of the anguish others experienced with Him. When the pastor talks about Jesus’ broken body and blood during communion, we now know what that looks like.

When we talk about the price that was paid for our sins, we have a clear picture of that, as well. One of the scenes is of the men who were beating Jesus doubled over catching their breath. That is a powerful scene.

Jesus sacrificed for us at a level I’m unable to fathom, but I’m thankful He did. I’m not sure why that movie has been on my mind lately, but it is an incredible reminder to us of how loved we are.

Make it a great week in the trenches. Be exceptional at being you.

