Good morning, men!

As some of you know, I worked in the pharmaceutical sales industry for just under 5 years. Despite my intentions of helping folks on a daily basis, I found myself under constant judgement as a “bad guy” or “greedy salesman.” Every year at Christmas, I had a family member that would take me over the coals about working for Big Pharma.

In my pharma days, we were prohibited from speaking directly to patients. I understood the reasoning, but it really hurt my ability to help folks with their prescriptions. Well…I work in insurance now. I don’t have those restrictions anymore.

Last night, I had the opportunity to speak to a group at our local hospital’s diabetic education night about “tricks of the trade” and how to save on their diabetic prescriptions. I’m not sure that anyone left with their life changed, but I do hope that at least one person will find some savings in a rough financial moment.

The big point here is this….God can use you in any circumstance. He can take good people in bad surroundings and use it for His good. Look at Daniel in Babylon. If you find yourself surrounded by greed, immorality, selfishness, dishonesty….pray that God will use you to be a light in that darkness.

Have a blessed day, men!

M.I.T.T. ~ Runyan