Good morning men. This week starts march madness, for sports junkies, one of the best weeks in all of sports. There will be Cinderella stories and games which are decided before they are won. Young men and Womens athletic careers will end this week as others will continue on to the professional level. Ultimately, only one team will prevail. That leaves 63 others teams with season ending loses. That’s 63 teams full of players with an opportunity to take and learn a life lesson. When we are defeated, we have two options. Pick ourselves up, or stay down. Men, we have Christ with us. Even at our lowest low, he is still with us. I pray that on each of those 63 teams that end up losing, there is one individual who can use the opportunity to talk about how it’s just the beginning of the next chapter Christ has opened for them. He brings us to a point in life to take us to the next stop. It’s never the end, just the beginning of the next chapter of his plan. Have a blessed day men.