Good morning, men!

This week I was at work when I got a text from my wife. It had a picture of a house that had gone up for sell in the last hour. Understand….we are NOT house shopping. We love our house. Well, within 8 hours we had set up an appointment, looked at it, and I was convinced we needed to move.

Work is starting to turn a corner, our kids are getting older and we need more space, there was a basement for storms (which have been bad up here lately)….it all lined up. Until we prayed about it.

Sarah wasn’t comfortable with the financial part of it. Our kids love our current neighborhood. The neighbor kids would be really upset if our boys left and took the wiffle ball field with them. I was the only one wanting to move, and I realized through prayer and God’s wisdom that now wasn’t the time.

My overall posture this week, and the message I received from The Spirit was this: “Slow down. Be patient. What you want, and what I need for you isn’t the same.”

I hope you all have a great day and a restful weekend!

M.I.T.T. ~ Runyan