Good morning men. This coming Sunday, I will get to run in the Little Rock half marathon. I have always talked about running a half and maybe a full someday. That being said, I finally committed to a half this year back in June/July. A good friend of mine from college has helped me by getting us a training plan. I committed to it and have stuck to the training plan. Since I started running back in the spring, I’ve lost around 25-30 lbs and have gotten into considerably better shape. I’ve ran my longest distances I’ve ever ran this year. Now, I feel confident and comfortable about the run this coming weekend.

Men, I saw all that because this relates to our Christian walk and strength. I mentioned I’ve lost some weight. How many of us are carrying around “extra weight” that we don’t need? Jesus can take that weight for you men. How do you get better? You have to commit to it. How does your faith strengthen? You stick to the plan that’s been laid out. Day in and day out, you do what you’ve set out. Eventually, it becomes second nature. Getting in the word for 30 minutes a day. Praying before each meal, being intentional about our walk is just as much an exercise as running.

Keep growing and strengthening men!