Romans 12:10 ESV — Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.

I was posed a question recently that really challenged me! What if Jesus was coming to your house for supper, but the only food you had to serve Him was hotdogs?

Here is where my mind went. I would look up a video on YouTube of some of the best hotdog cooking techniques. I would make sure the internal temp of the dog was perfect, the grill marks were beautiful, and you know Jesus would want to “break bread” so there would have to be a bun….I would lather some butter on it, throw it on the grill for a few minutes to perfect the texture and the look…Cheese? Ketchup? Mustard? Relish? All side options to make the appearance look great, showing Jesus that I took the time to make sure He was offered all the options He might want, but not forcing Him into anything. I do not own any fancy dishes, but no Dixie plates and red solo cups for this guest, only the best that I have to offer, yep Pioneer Woman from Walmart.

Have I gone far enough? Are you understanding my point? If Jesus were coming to my home, man, I would show Him so much Honor. I would make the effort to make sure He understood how important His visit to my home was. Here’s the challenge:

-What if, as brothers in Christ, we showed one another the same type of honor?

Honor: “to give weight to someone”

When we show Honor, we make that person feel important, we make them know their presence carries weight. They are special to us, and we yearn to treat them the same way God does. We are willing to “go out of our way” to make them feel special.

Men, always remember this: The bible is very specific in how MEN can impact the Kingdom of God! It starts with each and everyone of us. We want to feel honored and we need to show Honor. Imagine how we can radically change the world if we are radical for the Lord!

with love,

