Good morning men! This past couple weeks has been birthday central for us. We celebrated my wife’s birthday 2 weeks ago and last week we celebrated my grandparents who turned 95 & 97 and our sons birthday yesterday who turned 5. We got the pleasure of going to visit my grandparents on Sunday and as they are getting older, we know our time with them is getting shorter. We are so blessed to have had them around as long as we have and to watch them be leaders for our family. They have both been outstanding spiritual leaders and my papa has shown us what it’s like to lead a family humbly. If I am half the man he is one day I will have done something meaningful with my life. As they are getting older, their health is beginning to decline. So men, call up that relative you haven’t seen, or the friend you haven’t talked to in a while. Be present with one another when you are there with them. Enjoy the moments you have together. We know they aren’t forever but we still let time get away from us. Have a blessed day men and know you are loved and that you are enough.