One of our goals as a family this year was to be more consistent in doing a family devotional. We wanted to keep it simple, involve reading God’s word, sharing and praying together. We decided on a time before they went to bed. My 3 youngest still at home are 17, 14, and 12. And my oldest son at college participates through google meet. One thing I have enjoyed with having older kids is that when we spend time doing a devotional that everybody participates in reading, sharing, and praying. We have been reading through just 1 chapter and using a simple bible study method to understand what we read. It is called OIA and is from a book I am reading called Knowable Word – Helping Ordinary People Learn to Study the Bible.

O stands for observation and is basically asking what does the passage say.

I stands for interpretation and is basically asking what does the passage mean.

A stands for application and is basically what can I apply from this passage to my life? How can I put it into action.

You can dig as deep as you want or keep it simple. We simply look for facts on context, audience, who is speaking etc to help with our observations. After we read and discuss those points we all pray together focusing on praising and thanking God before making specific requests. I am not saying this is for everybody and that this is how you should do it. I just wanted to give an example of what could be done. It is different for everyone. It has been a blessing to our family so far.

Matthew 18:20 New International Version (Jesus speaking)
20 For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”