Good morning, men!

I got this from a friend via text this week from sermon notes:

Anyone who has ever tried to break a destructive habit will know that it sometimes feels like cutting off a hand or foot. Anyone who tries to stop a bad attitude towards others will know that it’s almost as hard as plucking out an eye. And the habits and attitudes that Jesus has in his sights in this passage are as hard as any. Cutting off the ‘hand’ that refuses to give to the poor; cutting off the ‘foot’ that refuses to walk to the soup kitchen to help out; and, in particular, plucking out the ‘eye’ that refuses to notice the weak, the vulnerable, the helpless all around us, in our cities, on our streets, in our wider world: all these pose a challenge every bit as severe today as the day Jesus first issued it. – NT Wrigh

The quote is in reference to Matthew 5:30. So often, people who aren’t of faith use this passage as ammo against the Bible…..”WELL THE BIBLE SAYS TO CUT YOUR HAND OFF!” We all know that Jesus spoke metaphorically quite often and this explanation does an outstanding job of shaping that passage to modern day issues.

Head out (or stay in) this weekend with an open mind about what areas of your life can be “cut off” in order to better serve the kingdom. As fathers and husbands, we all can serve those around us better by dying to ourselves in certain ways.

Have a blessed day!

M.I.T.T. ~ Runyan