Good morning men. I want to thank Michael for such an awesome message from yesterday. It was very uplifting to read and we will continue to pray for you!

Continuing off of the message from yesterday, during this time I feel like the message Michael gave us even more true now than ever. This is a time of faith building and faith testing. So much that is going on it is completely out of our hands. We have to lean on Christ, which we should be doing anyways, in order to be able know what doors he’s opening for us and how. The way we do that is to be prayerful and get into his word.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-17 “Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing.”

Notice men it doesn’t say stop praying when things are going well or you better start praying when things get rough. Pray without ceasing. He commands us to pray always. This is an aspect of my life I have to continually work on because I say I’m too busy which is lousy excuse. The Lord has blessed me with so much! How can I NOT make time?!

Have a great week in the trenches men.