Good morning men. The last two weeks have been anything but ordinary to say the least. My wife and kids are home from school here in Arkansas until April 20th at the least and likely to extend beyond that. Continue to pray for us small business owners as the difficulty to operate is only going to increase.

Over the last week, we have had a TREMENDOUS amount of family time and it has been such a blessing. We’ve built forts, the kids have played together outside till they are exhausted (thankful for good weather!) my daughter and I have gotten the opportunity to go fishing twice. We’ve had family meals 2-3 times a day. The lord has blessed us with some great family time together. We are making the most of this storm by trusting in him knowing he will deliver us through this and enjoying our family even more. He’s given my wife and I some great time together that we have missed out on recently with both of us working and kids activities. We have been able to get long needed projects done around the house and that has lifted our spirits. So while this is a scary time, it’s also been a blessing spiritually for our family bringing us closer.

Continue to pray for all those affected by this financially. That stress is still there and like the messages have said over the last couple days, we are walking by faith right now, not by sight. It is important for us now more than ever to listen to Christ and trust that he is going to provide for us during this time and that he holds it all in his hands.