Before I get to the gifts, with everything changing day by day, my family has been in lockdown since last week. The KC area has restricted any meetings over 10 people and now the order has been given to stay home except for food or medical necessities. These changes have forced us to get creative to stay in touch and in community with brothers & sisters in Christ we are involved with; the local church. For starters, despite preferring to meet in person, I am very thankful for some of the creative things going on. Our church Friday night had a community meeting through Zoom. We had over 28 families connected, had a blast and it was free (thanks Zoom!)! This shot below is the group praying together. I couldn’t get my camera going initially so I didnt get in until after pic below was shot.

We shared pics of our families participating in online worship with Redeemer Fellowship in KC, a church we are merging with. Even our cat, Kona, needed hope from the message.

Our lead Pastor Orion Berridge wrote an excellent blog post on 10 gifts to pray for the church. Check out the post at the link below and join us in lifting these up in prayer for the body of Christ!

Orion is the lead pastor at The Avenue Church in Independence, Missouri. He also serves as the Acts 29 Kansas City area leader. Orion is a church planting strategist and a pastor to pastors. He is married to Amy, and they have two kids. You can follow him on twitter.

Also I would encourage each of us to pray for who the Lord wants us to reach out and connect with this week to be an encouragement from the Lord!