We often here the saying “The Lord works in mysterious ways” we had an example of this over the last few months that I would like to share.

We’re doing a fairly large home remodel right now and were having trouble getting someone to design a kitchen for us. After waiting on 3 local companies to get back to us, we reached out to someone in a different town about a 100 miles away. She did the design, everything went great, when we meet with her to initialize everything, she recommended using the counter-top guy she always uses. We thought that would be fine, he met us at his shop that same day (Saturday) even though he wasn’t working.

Fast forward a few months, I have installed the cabinets and am ready for counter-tops to be measured. We were trying to work out a time for him to come template them. During the week didn’t work as he had a full schedule. We settled on Saturday afternoon, that wasn’t the best for us as my wife wanted to be there to make sure I didn’t make any decision she didn’t agree with since she would be at work! Luckily, he called and asked if we could move it to Sunday afternoon, which worked much better for us.

He comes out Sunday with his wife, she was just going to sit in the car and read. However she ended up coming in to help him measure. After talking with her a bit we made a connection, she went to high school in the same town as my wife and was a few years ahead of her older sister.

She asked how my wife’s sisters family was doing, my wife said her original thought was just to say they are good, busy chasing kids, but something in her gut said to be honest. She told her that her sisters husband had been diagnosed with huntington’s disease, which as diseases go is about as bad as you can get, and that they had really be struggling with it.

She let us know that huntington’s disease runs in her family and she was very familiar with it. She also offered to put my wife’s sister in contact with one of her family members that helps take care of someone that has it.

This was an answer to prayers, deep desperate prayers, to be able to talk with someone who is going through what they are about to go through that they have some sort of connection with.

As we got frustrated with no one wanting to help us with our kitchen design, we had no idea God was working behind the scenes and had a bigger plan.

Men, as you go through trials, and think things aren’t going the ways you think they should be going, have faith, the Lord works in mysterious ways!
