Ephesians 6:4 says:

Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.

Good morning, men!

This past week, the boys and I made our first Christmas cutout. Sarah bought me a jigsaw for my birthday, the kiddos asked for “Christmas Snoopy”, and away we went. During the whole process, I was reminded of all the hours I spent in the barn with my dad as a kid. Even though we just now started doing it, the desire to work with wood is in me, and that seed was planted by my dad.

The wonderful news today, is that the Gospel works the same way. If we spend time in our children’s early years teaching them about Jesus, praying with them, and showing them how to act out grace, compassion, forgiveness, and love….it plants a seed for the future.

Will they stray? Probably, at some point. I did. But if those roots are set, there is at least a possibility that they will find them again.

I pray everyone has a restful Christmas and enjoys time with family. Use this time to lay the groundwork for the generations to come!

M.I.T.T. ~ Runyan