Good morning, men!

As the father of two sons, brotherhood is something I witness every day. Now, it is youthful brotherhood, but a unique pact none the less. I see my boys (9 and 6) fight, fuss, love, play, support, and talk through obstacles constantly. They truly have each other’s back like no one else.

My prayer for us here at the Message is that we will serve as a brotherhood for each other in Christ. I shared Wednesday that my family was at a crossroads. That day, Michael called me and prayed over me as I was driving down the road between Searcy and Newport, AR.

Having that support….that level of concern from other men is CRUCIAL as we continue our walk with God!

Let us be a group of brothers who find ways to support and love each other through struggles!

Have a blessed day!

M.I.T.T. ~ Runyan