Good morning men. I pray you all had a great Easter weekend as we got to celebrate the resurrection of our savior. He is risen!

I’m going to continue off of Michael’s message from yesterday a bit. We had a great program over the weekend that was the last supper and Sunday morning’s resurrection as well. It was a very powerful play and I hope all enjoyed it and took something away from it. A brother from our church who played Judas did an excellent job. Judas has a great role in everything as tragic as it was. Judas has to betray Christ so that his salvation for us could be fulfilled. Even though Christ KNEW Judas would betray him, he loved him anyways and attempted to save Judas from what he was doing. Wow.


Men, this part blows me away. Certainly we would all try to save someone and love someone who was close to us. But to love someone who we knew was going to betray us into the enemies’ hands to have us killed? That’s a love that I cannot fathom. However men remember, we are all Judas. We’ve all turned our back on Christ at some point in our lives. He loves us anyways and that is one of the most beautiful points of the gospel. We serve a merciful savior and all he asks is that we turn to him and trust him.

Have a blessed week in the trenches men.