Good afternoon, men!

I apologize for the late message! I was off today for Good Friday and what I thought was going to be a lazy day at the house got away from me quick.

While we were driving around today, my youngest son asked me why we needed to get the oil changed on his mom’s car. I explained to him how gears made her car move and told him hat oil helped the gears work correctly. I may or may not have used the word viscosity to a 6 year old….but hey, we have always talked to ours like they were grown.

Point being, what is your oil? What do you need to keep your faith gears turning? For me some of the things that make up my “oil” are:

1. Daily Prayer (occasionally with my wife)

2. The Manly Message

3. Sunday Gatherings and Worship

4. Friday DNA Breakfasts

5. Reading Scripture/ Books

6. Our MC Family and Locker 10:34 Outreach

Occasionally, just like a tune up, I need to re-evaluate how much I commit to these things. When I am faithful, my machine runs pretty well. When I’m not, I feel distant from God and often frustrated.

Think today about what your “oil” is and keep those gears rolling!

Have a blessed day, men!

M.I.T.T. ~ Runyan