Good morning, men!

Recently, I have started a book by Mike McHargue titled “Finding God in the Waves.” The book details how Mike grew up in a fairly normal house with Christian parents. He married, had kids, and became a deacon in his church. He had always had an interest in science and was a self-proclaimed “nerd.” At times, this interest posed complications with his understanding of Christian teaching about the formation of the earth, evolution, the size of the universe, etc.

As an adult, he experienced the divorce of his parents due to an extramarital affair and, combined with some scientific exploration…..went deep into Atheism for years.

The book chronicles his journey away from God, and back to God through science. Although I haven’t quite finished, it is a page turner if you have any iota of scientific interest or have ever had questions about how some Christian teachings and science don’t seem to gel.

Overall, the book has encouraged me to realize that no matter how far away we are from God….no matter how wide that gap seems to us….he is always right there with us.

Have a blessed day, men!

M.I.T.T. ~ Runyan