Good morning men. In case some of you don’t know, Tiger Woods won the masters on Sunday. Many are regarding this as one of the greatest come backs in sports. As a golf enthusiast and a Tiger fan, this was one of the most enjoyable golf matches I’ve ever seen. Tiger has experienced every high and every low imaginable for someone that lives in the spotlight. As recently as two years ago, physicians and Tiger himself doubted if he would ever be able to play golf again, let alone win at the highest level. On Sunday he returned to that.

This reminds me of another incredible comeback. The most important comeback of all and we will be celebrating that comeback this weekend. Christ was crucified on a Friday. His followers entered into the lowest low imaginable. Their Lord was gone. Dead. Not to return. They had doubted what He said. On the third day, the stone was rolled away men! Imagine the disbelief and utter joy his disciples experienced when they saw Christ again! Men in this life we will experience highs and lows. Maybe you’ve been to your absolute low already. Maybe you are there now. Christ is there with you. He’s writing your comeback story right now. Keep the faith men. Keep your faith to help others grow theirs because in times of trial is when people can see our true colors and what we truly believe. It’s also a wonderful time to tell them about the savior who’s getting them through your biggest trials in life.

Have a great week in the trenches men.