Ephesians 5:16

16 making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.

Good Saturday to you all.

Today’s message is about those times that a small opportunity turns into the opportunity of a lifetime and possibly not your lifetime, but someone else’s.

This past week, one of our fellow men on the message and I were sitting in the office and one of our students came in talking about his future plans. This kid is from a rough part of Ripley County, Missouri. That in itself means he’s already overcoming some obstacles.

The opportunity arose to talk about his faith. We both think a lot of this young man and want the very best for him. We didn’t plan for him to come in and we hadn’t ever discussed is faith. However, we had discussed this young man’s upbringing and work ethic.

In a split second, the opportunity presented itself and we walked through the proverbial door. We can’t make him accept Christ, but he’s aware of the love available from Christ and the consequences of choosing not to accept the salvation Christ paid for.

Be ready when those opportunities present themselves. You’ll know what to say.

Make it a great Saturday in the trenches. Be exceptional at being you.

