Good morning, men!

Earlier this week I had to have a talk with my 9 year old ball team. A few of them had gotten in trouble at school for how they were talking to other students. One in particular had made some comments to a female classmate that were very hurtful. We sat down before practice and here was the message…..

“Words matter. What you say can either make someone’s day or ruin it. Our team is going to do things the right way, and if you don’t, there will be consequences in the form of playing time. If it becomes a pattern and the behavior persists without change, we are going to have to examine how much you want to be on this team.”

I explained to the boys that this may seem unfair. That other kids can say or do whatever and nobody cares. I told them choosing to be a Lumberjack, in a way, is like choosing to follow Jesus and His example. There are some really neat rewards, but we are held to a different standard with higher expectations than the rest of the crowd.

We will see where it goes from here. I just pray that we can use sports to help these boys draw closer to Christ as they mature.

Have a blessed day and a restful weekend!

M.I.T.T. ~ Runyan