This is how we know that we really love the children of God. We know it when we love God and obey his words.
1 John 5:2

In our daily marriage devotion, Gary Thomas, made a point that I feel is worth sharing. We know as believers we are children of God, Sons and Daughters. If you have children I am sure you can relate to this, but even if you don’t it’s not hard to imagine.

One of the best ways to earn my favor is to treat one of my children right. For example, there are already quite a few educators, neighbors and family members that will forever be loved and respected by me because of the way they handle one of my children. On the flip side of that (right or wrong) there are also those who have immidiately been put on my bad list because they mistreated or wronged one of my children (there really aren’t that many, and I assure you I’m not a helicopter parent thinking everyone’s wronging my kids).

The point of the matter is this: if we are all children of God, isn’t it best we treat our brothers and sisters in a way that we can glorify God?

One time I heard this statement: the next time you are mad at your spouse, or anyone for that matter, when you look at them and begin to tell them how you feel, picture Jesus standing beside them with his hand on their shoulder. Wouldn’t that make a little more difficult to not show grace, mercy, kindness, forgiveness and love.

We are all sinners in need of a savior. Jesus, showed us all how to honor God by treating others, he humbled himself at all times. He didn’t even respond to His accusers as they marched him up Calvary carrying a tree that He would eventually be nailed to and left to die.

So surely we can Honor our Father by treating others the right way.

With love, dlp
