Good morning men.

“All men are created equal.”

This has been one of the most famous lines in US and probably world history. Our forefathers of the United States had some great insight to look after this country.

I want to look at this from another point. The Christian believer stand point. Again, all men are created equal. God loves each of us the same. To piggy back off of what Yancey said on Sunday, I am the worst sinner. We are ALL the worst sinner. We’ve all fallen short of the glory of God for we have all sinned.

Woah. Talk about a way to humble yourself. That’s what Christ wants from us though. To humble ourselves before him and know and admit that we need him and then to trust in him. We are all equal men. We all are in need of a savior and since we are all equal, we all can be saved in the exact same way. Submitting our lives to Jesus. Admitting he died on the cross. Knowing that we are sinners and only through his salvation can we be saved.


That is absolutely beautiful to me. Have a blessed day in the trenches men.