Good morning, men!

Yesterday, as I drove to Searcy, AR for work, I listened to a podcast from Red Church in Melbourne, Australia. If you haven’t ever heard Mark Sayers preach, I would highly recommend!!

His message, though highly detailed, was pretty simple in the end. He was reading a passage out of 2 Corinthians about being a cheerful giver. Here are the bullet points:

* Modern society tells us that things are scarce, and if we don’t watch out, they will be taken away from us.

* This feeds a consumer mindset that promulgates the need to buy more, make more, and fuels anxiety.

* This shifts us away from giving generously and towards hoarding our money/ time/ talents.

* The GOSPEL truth is that Gods goodness is unending, and even if we suffer, he provides for us eternally.

What a powerful message, especially close to the holidays. Find ways this week to be open handed and generous with all that God has blessed you with. In the end, it’s all His anyway!

Have a blessed day, men!

M.I.T.T. ~ Runyan