Good morning, men!

I grew up my entire life listening to coaches and teachers say, “when you point a finger, you have three pointing back at you.” I always thought it was super corny, didn’t apply to me, and just brushed it off. Want to take a guess why? As a young adult I found myself super judgmental, egotistic, and always on my “you need to fix you” high horse.

This past Sunday, we had a guest pastor, and his message included the title of this message. It wasn’t the focus, but it rang true with me. We have heard our entire life, “love the sinner, hate the sin” in regards to people in our community who live outside God’s will.

Here’s the question for the day:

What if WE spent as much time communicating with God and asking him to help us swith our own sin, as we did judging other people for theirs.

I don think this would “fix” a fallen world. Pretty sure that’s only possible in one way, and it has nothing to do with our timing. What I do think is it would make us more humble…more approachable…..more loving as Christians and give life to far more Gospel opportunities.

Have a blessed day, men!

M.I.T.T. ~ Runyan