Good morning men. I pray this all finds you well. Last week we wrapped up VBS. Those that have worked VBS before know how exhausting but rewarding it is. We had a great turnout and I’m hopeful that seeds were planted in the kids that we will see grow over time. Many times we only see some of these kids at VBS so we do what we can when we can to teach them about Jesus.

Many times though we will run into people and that may be the only opportunity we get to show them Jesus. I say show them not tell them for a reason. Actions speak louder than words and this is particular true for Christians. Another way I’ve heard it is “I can’t hear what you’re saying because of what you’re showing me.”

Men we should always be good stewards of Christ for we know not who is watching and we need to be showing them what they need even when we don’t know they’re watching. Someone is always watching.

Have a great week in the trenches.