Good morning, men!

As I told you last week, I am currently in New Jersey for new job training. Last Wednesday, I ordered some sushi takeout from a local place and noticed this building on my drive. I grew up in a traditional Methodist church, so I figured it would be cool to go visit on Sunday morning. Sarah and I go to a contemporary non-denominational church now, so this was going to be going to be a bit of an experiment for me as an adult who hasn’t been in that environment in over decade.

Amazingly, as I pulled up Sunday morning, I noticed a contemporary church set up literally next door in the local middle school. Admittedly, my heart started to waver towards what I have grown accustomed to, but I stuck it out and walked into the Methodist church.

The service structure was just like I remember it as a kid…..structured, stoic, and very traditional. The average age in the pew had to be in the 60s. Very different from my home church. They called for the kids to come up, and FOUR kids come to the altar. I’m used to seeing over 100 in our children’s ministry on Sunday.

Now, if you think I am being negative, hang in there. All I can tell you is God put me exactly where I needed to be that Sunday. The church members were SO GRACIOUS. The pastor’s sermon was not only outstanding, but it spoke directly to me in regards to things my mother, wife, and I had discussed just the previous day. After the service I drank coffee with total strangers almost twice my age and we talked about how God has blessed us in different ways.

Point being, we need to be really careful about putting God in a box that fits our religious comfort zone. I felt so bad, thinking that in order for me to “get something out of my Sunday” that I needed to go to the contemporary church with the full parking lot. God met me right where I was and spoke directly to my heart through people I will probably never see again in my life.

As you head out today and this weekend, open your hearts to the idea that so many people experience Christ in so many ways, and He is so much bigger than the box we try to place Him in at times.

Have a blessed day, men!

M.I.T.T. ~ Runyan