Good morning, men!

Yesterday was my oldest son, Derek’s, Arkansas Day at his school. They do state related activities, wear locally inspired clothes, and play state history trivia. He was so excited on Thursday night that he went to be early so Friday “would get here sooner.”

Derek is a pretty smart kid with a good memory, so he was chosen to be one of the three kids from his class to be on the trivia team. Sarah and I went up and watched the preliminary round and they won by one point. My wife left to get her hair done, and I went to a meeting. When I came back for the finals in the cafeteria, D was a ball of nerves. He was crying and rubbing his eyes. I asked him what was wrong and he wouldn’t tell me.

Finally I said, “Bud, are you scared you will mess up?” He said he was and was nervous about playing older kids….they were facing the mighty 3rd graders on the big stage! We talked for a bit, and I asked him, “If you don’t get a single question right, do you think Jesus still loves you?” Of course he agreed, we talked a little more, he calmed down, and went out and did great.

When I was driving home I thought about how often I forget the lesson I tried to impart on my kid. I constantly worry about outcomes I have no control over. I lose sight of the fact that Jesus loves me unconditionally and He is right beside me always. I plan and try to manipulate things to my fitting, just so I can avoid failure.

Head out this weekend confident in your identity as a son of Christ, whom he loves and cares for, regardless of your successes and failures.

Have a blessed day, men!

M.I.T.T. ~ Runyan