Good morning, men!

This morning, at 6:25, I opened the door to my bedroom and heard our Amazon Echo saying, “….playing a sample of ‘Who Let The Dogs Out.'” As I turned the corner, I heard the speaker blaring and saw my 5 year old in his PJ’s dancing his little off-beat, Caucasian heart out. Sarah and I just kind of smiled, looked at each other in amazement/ shock, and went on about our morning.

I know this may seem like a pointless story about my crazy kid, but I swear I will get there. That song is awful. EVERYONE got tired of it years ago. On top of that, Jase has played it every day for a week now….multiple times. And you know what, he doesn’t care one bit what the world says about the Baha Men.

I hope that is the same joy and passion we have about being missionary servants. Hopefully, all of us here have some type of passion/ gift that we have found to use for the kingdom. What happens when the world tells us its corny? What happens when the majority says it’s old school?

My hope is, men, that you stand firmly in your underwear and dance away……figuratively speaking, of course!

Have a blessed day, men!

M.I.T.T. ~ Runyan