Good morning, men!

Last Sunday, our sermon by Adam Breckinridge focused on our calling to “go.” Centered around Matthew 20 16:20 (The Great Commission), we talked about what it actually looked like to live as a disciple of Jesus on mission. Bullet points included living life on life with those you are trying to reach, living life as a part of a church community, and living life as a part of a proactive mission field.

At one point, he flashed this quote by Charles Spurgeon on the screen:

“Every Christian is either a missionary or an imposter.”

Immediately I was like, “Whoa.” That cuts to the chase. Have I been a missionary for Jesus? Man, I haven’t been to South America or Africa like some of the people I know. The quote left me doing a little soul searching.

Then, at our missional community meal that day, Sarah and I were able to listen to two families share how our involvement in our local youth sports league (our specific mission) was the catalyst that led them to Fellowship. Another man, who wasn’t present Sunday, had recently shared a similar story. Our relationship at the ball field started three years ago and was tenuous at best to start. Now his family of 6 are regular church attendees, very close friends, and an integral part of our mission.

My realization, and what I would like to share with you, is that our calling to be disciples who make disciples doesn’t have to occur in the villages of Africa or the jungles of South America. There are hundreds of people in your home town that are searching for something greater than the life they are currently living. They are at the ball field, the local school, the grocery store, restaurants……everywhere.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share this morning. Head out today and this week knowing that we are called to be missionaries and prepared to spread His good news!

M.I.T.T. ~ Runyan