Good morning men. This past Sunday at church we had a beginning and an end. We finally have a new pastor for our church, after 11 months since our previous pastor retired, and this means that our interim pastor is no longer going to be preaching on Sunday (thank you Brother Gary Thomas for being our Shepard). That being said, Sunday we had a celebration with finger foods and singing of songs thanking Brother Gary for his service. My heart was overwhelmed with the sense family and belonging that came over me. We were there praising God making a joyful noise and celebrating a wonderful pastor. The thought occurred to me that there are many people out there who do not have or know that feeling that I was so privileged to feel on Sunday. Men, it is our job to let people know that in this broken world where there are so many bad things and things going wrong, there is a place they can go and know perfect love and that is the love of Jesus. I encourage all of us to invite someone to church this week. Even if the answer is no, that only means no this week. Just plant the seed men. Have a great week in the trenches and be thankful for the church family and home that you have. We always have room for more though.
