
The Manly Message

We are a group of men exploring the reality of biblical manhood in our everyday lives ~ M.I.T.T.


January 2018

The Controversy of Christ

Good morning, men!

Some of you may know that I work in the pharma industry, but my background is history education with a focus on art history. Tomorrow, I have the privilege of standing before my pastors and church leaders to complete the second of two talks on the history of Rome and Christianity. Such an honor! The image above is by Italian painter Antonio Ciseri and is titled “Ecce homo”…..or “behold the man.” It depicts Pilate presenting Jesus to the crowd at his public trial.

One of the things I will discuss tomorrow is this simple question:

“Why was Jesus, a 33 year old, non-militant carpenter so controversial to the Roman authority?”

1. He drew crowds on short notice. Jesus didn’t have tour dates. He didn’t tell people weeks in advance and sell tickets. He showed, the disciples spread the word, and the crowds came in droves. This ability, though non-violent, surely had the Romans on edge.

2. The Gospel destroyed hundreds of years of calculated societal division and class suppression. Jesus spoke of the least of these….he sat with the woman at the well….he told the parable of the Good Samaritan. All of these things flew directly in the face of the Roman social structure where patricians held all the power, lower class plebeians were suppressed, and women and slaves didn’t have any rights.

3. He acknowledged Rome, but rejected its authority on Earth and in Heaven. In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus said, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s (taxes), and give to God what is God’s (time, talent, tithe, worship, etc.).” In an empire where the emperor was seen as divine and worthy of full devotion, this was wildly rejected.

Mainly, men, when I have been studying these points over the last few weeks, it has made me marvel at the courage and confidence Jesus possessed. To me, it only emboldens my belief that he was the one, true, Son of God.

I hope you all have a blessed day, and thank you for your time!

M.I.T.T. ~ Runyan


Good morning men! Yesterday I was driving home from work and had the radio on. A song came on “Rescuer” by Rend Collective. One of my absolute favorites. In the verses they sing about Christ being our rescuer and how he has redemption for every affliction that we may have. When people are coming to Christ, some may fear that Jesus can’t forgive what they have done or he can’t love them for who they are and their past. I know this was something I struggled with personally. But men he CAN cleanse you and make you feel worthy.

Ephesians 1:7 In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace

Christ blood redeems us men. It doesn’t say that he died for just a few of our sins, he died for all of our sins. We have to put our faith in him and follow him every single day. Enjoy the attached song men and know that he can forgive anything and everything you’ve done as long as you love and follow him. Let us show that to others. Have a blessed day.


The Five Solas

Before I dive into today’s devotion, I want to give a shout out and thanks to God for one of our men on the manly message who was just recently ordained as Pastor at his Church: Pastor Eurvin Williams Jr., Connected to Christ Church in Lee’s Summit, MO. Congratulations Eurvin! We pray and look forward to the Lord using you for His glory in proclaiming Jesus Christ and building up his body of believers! I’ve changed companies and territories so its not likely I will run into you at an office. But Lord willing, I do plan to visit you at your church! – Michael Miller

This Sunday our church started a series on the importance of church history and the five solas that emerged from the Protestant Reformation 500 years ago.

“The Protestant Reformation of the 16th century changed Christianity forever. Roused to action by the corruption and abuses they saw in the Roman Catholic church of the time, visionary pastors and leaders like Martin Luther and John Calvin spearheaded a movement that transformed Christianity and eventually led to the emergence of the Protestant denominations that exist today.

The Reformers were guided by the conviction that the church of their day had drifted away from the essential, original teachings of Christianity, especially in regard to what it was teaching about salvation—how people can be forgiven of sin through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and receive eternal life with God. The Reformation sought to re-orient Christianity on the original message of Jesus and the early church.

The Five Solas are five Latin phrases (or slogans) that emerged during the Reformation to summarize the Reformers’ theological convictions about the essentials of Christianity.”


The Five Solas are:

  1. Sola Scriptura (“Scripture alone”): The Bible alone is our highest authority.
  2. Sola Fide (“faith alone”): We are saved through faith alone in Jesus Christ.
  3. Sola Gratia (“grace alone”): We are saved by the grace of God alone.
  4. Solus Christus (“Christ alone”): Jesus Christ alone is our Lord, Savior, and King.
  5. Soli Deo Gloria (“to the glory of God alone”): We live for the glory of God alone.

From the

1 – Sola Scriptura, “Scripture Alone.” The Bible alone is the sole authority for all matters of faith and practice. Scripture and Scripture alone is the standard by which all teachings and traditions of the church must be measured. As Martin Luther so eloquently stated when told to recant his teachings, “Unless I am convinced by Scripture and plain reason—I do not accept the authority of the popes and councils, for they have contradicted each other—my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and I will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. God help me. Amen.”

2 – Sola Gratia, “Salvation by Grace Alone.” Salvation is proof of God’s undeserved favor; we are rescued from God’s wrath by His grace alone, not by any work we do. God’s blessing in Christ is the sole efficient cause of salvation. This grace is the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit who brings us to Christ by releasing us from our bondage to sin and raising us from spiritual death to spiritual life.

3 – Sola Fide, “Salvation by Faith Alone.” We are justified by faith in Christ alone, not by the works of the Law. It is by faith in Christ that His righteousness is imputed to us as the only possible satisfaction of God’s perfect standard.

4 – Solus Christus, “In Christ Alone.” Salvation is found in Jesus Christ alone; no one and nothing else can save. Jesus’ substitutionary death on the cross is sufficient for our justification and reconciliation to God the Father. The gospel has not been preached if Christ’s redemption is not declared and if faith in His resurrection is not solicited.

5 – Soli Deo Gloria, “For the Glory of God Alone.” Salvation is of God and has been accomplished by God for His glory alone. As Christians we must magnify Him always and live our lives in His presence, under His authority, and for His glory.

These five important doctrines are the reason for the Protestant Reformation. They are at the heart of the Reformers’ call for the church to return to biblical teaching. The Five Solas are just as important today in evaluating a church and its teachings as they were in the sixteenth century.


What Season Is It?

Ecclesiastes 3:4

4 a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance,

Pastors, be exceptional at being you today. Your congregation will have people in each category above. Deliver your perfect message for each person to get what they need from it.

Today’s message comes from several conversations I’ve had with some friends recently. One friend had some exciting news while some others are working through some other situations that are more difficult right now.

We are all in different seasons in faith. It’s not like the seasons of the year where we are all in winter or all in summer at the same time. Keep your faith and your relationship with God strong because seasons change. If you’re having a difficult time, still find a way to be happy for those celebrating. If your celebrating, know there are others fighting through sadness of some kind.

Take care of each other out there. Make it a great week in the trenches. Be exceptional at being you.



Nothing Like a Safety Net

Let me tell you a secret about a father’s love

A secret that my daddy said was just between us

He said daddies don’t just love their children every now and then

It’s a love without end amen.

Good morning, gentlemen. Nothing like a little George Strait to start a Saturday. I simply love the message of the song. No matter what we’ve done, God loves us. That’s a great gift!

Also remember Romans 6:1-2

6 What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? 2 By no means! We are those who have died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?

Work on doing right, but remember our safety net is divine.

Have a great Saturday in the trenches. Be exceptional at being you.



Family Friday 1/26: Greatest Blessings

Good morning, men!

Today I want to use this space to praise God and thank Him for my two greatest blessings, my two sons. Jase (left) turned 5 on the 21st and Derek (right) turned 8 yesterday. God had a sense of humor with Derek’s birthday. In my 20 years of paying baseball, I wore two numbers…10 and 25. Derek’s birthday was 1/25/10!

When I look at these two boys I see a million things. I see God’s amazing design….I see his ability to personalize each of us uniquely (they are very different dudes)….I see their mother….I see myself…I see two kids that I pray will grow to become disciples for Jesus as men.

So, no major inspirational “go get ’em” message from Andy today. Just a big ol’ “Thank you, Jesus!” for blessing me and Sarah with two amazing kids, and a prayer that as they grow we point them towards a life of kindness, servitude, and selflessness.

Have a blessed day, men!

M.I.T.T. ~ Runyan

Expect the Unexpected

If there is one thing I should have learned in 36 years of my life, it is that I should really expect the unexpected. For some reason I have been able at times to embrace it, and others I’m not as thankful.  As humans, we think we have it all figured out.  We think this is this phase in my life, during the next one it will be this, and after I’ll be doing this.  But, no one ever said that a Christ follower would have a life without uncertainty.  I’m currently listening to the book on CD “In a Pit With a Lion On a Snowy Day”, and it disucussed this.

When you read the Bible you start to understand that usually when Christ is asked something, He responds opposite of how you might think He would.  As a follower of Christ you never know who you will meet, what you will be doing, or where you will be going.

If you think about it this way, wouldn’t it undermine the power of the Holy Spirit if we had our whole life plan mapped out and it happened exactly that way? What would we even need God for? Our circumstance would be perfect.  He points out in the book that our circumstantial uncertainty will not decrease by being a follower meaning being a Christian will not remove the hard times we will face. But, our spiritual uncertainty will reduce.  Meaning as Christ followers we now have the peace that transcends all understanding!

“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4:7‬ ‭NIV‬‬

There is a flip side to circumstantial uncertainty though that is anything may go wrong but, anything may go right too! Not everything that is unexpected has been a hindrance in my life. In fact, as I look back I can say without hesitation that I obviously don’t know what’s best for me near as much as God does! I thank Him so much for listening to my “shameless audacity” (Luke 11:8), yet always knowing that my wants are very separate from my needs! Thank you Lord.

We must not limit God. He is listening and the Holy Spirit is interceding, but when it comes to the actual answer to our prayers maybe we should start to expect the unexpected! And then embrace that it is He who plans our steps and not us!

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭29:11‬ ‭NIV‬‬



Live on Mission

Good morning, men!

Last Sunday, our sermon by Adam Breckinridge focused on our calling to “go.” Centered around Matthew 20 16:20 (The Great Commission), we talked about what it actually looked like to live as a disciple of Jesus on mission. Bullet points included living life on life with those you are trying to reach, living life as a part of a church community, and living life as a part of a proactive mission field.

At one point, he flashed this quote by Charles Spurgeon on the screen:

“Every Christian is either a missionary or an imposter.”

Immediately I was like, “Whoa.” That cuts to the chase. Have I been a missionary for Jesus? Man, I haven’t been to South America or Africa like some of the people I know. The quote left me doing a little soul searching.

Then, at our missional community meal that day, Sarah and I were able to listen to two families share how our involvement in our local youth sports league (our specific mission) was the catalyst that led them to Fellowship. Another man, who wasn’t present Sunday, had recently shared a similar story. Our relationship at the ball field started three years ago and was tenuous at best to start. Now his family of 6 are regular church attendees, very close friends, and an integral part of our mission.

My realization, and what I would like to share with you, is that our calling to be disciples who make disciples doesn’t have to occur in the villages of Africa or the jungles of South America. There are hundreds of people in your home town that are searching for something greater than the life they are currently living. They are at the ball field, the local school, the grocery store, restaurants……everywhere.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share this morning. Head out today and this week knowing that we are called to be missionaries and prepared to spread His good news!

M.I.T.T. ~ Runyan


Good morning men. This past Sunday at church we had a beginning and an end. We finally have a new pastor for our church, after 11 months since our previous pastor retired, and this means that our interim pastor is no longer going to be preaching on Sunday (thank you Brother Gary Thomas for being our Shepard). That being said, Sunday we had a celebration with finger foods and singing of songs thanking Brother Gary for his service. My heart was overwhelmed with the sense family and belonging that came over me. We were there praising God making a joyful noise and celebrating a wonderful pastor. The thought occurred to me that there are many people out there who do not have or know that feeling that I was so privileged to feel on Sunday. Men, it is our job to let people know that in this broken world where there are so many bad things and things going wrong, there is a place they can go and know perfect love and that is the love of Jesus. I encourage all of us to invite someone to church this week. Even if the answer is no, that only means no this week. Just plant the seed men. Have a great week in the trenches and be thankful for the church family and home that you have. We always have room for more though.


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