When God calls us to something, we have to understand that it’s not always a place of comfort, it’s often times opposite of that, it’s very uncomfortable.  Just look at the Bible and you will understand this more deeply.  Almost, every single person God used, was called from a place of comfort to discomfort in order to grow His kingdom.

Following up on Andy’s message yesterday, Pride can lead us to believe that God would only call us as Christians to have it easy

-to always have enough financially

-to have all the material things we want

-to only be around like minded believers

-to only have our faith, and not have to get in an uncomfortable situation where we must share it with others

-to be where we want to be at all times

Some of this can go hand in hand with God disciplining us like a Father should His child.  Some of it could be very big happenings in life (job change, move, relational), some very small (taking an opportunity to pray with someone, joining a bible study, serving more at church).  No matter what, when you recognize you have been called to a place of discomfort thank God that He is using you, disciplining you, talking directly to you, drawing you closer to Him, trusting you….and the hard part ACT ON IT! Be bold, be courageous, be a MAN IN THE TRENCHES FOR THE KINGDOM! Jesus was called to a place of total discomfort and he did it all for us so unselfishly.  Nobody on this message is Jesus, and nobody will be called to die on a cross….put it all in perspective and understand that God wants us to be uncomfortable at times, because it’s His way of using us to Grow His Kingdom.  PLAY THE MAN!

“Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭9:23‬ ‭NIV‬‬