Good morning, men!

This previous Sunday, I was able to sit in the main gathering at our building for the first time in quite a while. Due to family circumstances, and Sunday youth teaching obligations, I had missed 3 consecutive Sunday’s. First of all, let me say that just sitting there, between my wife and some good friends of ours was refreshing. Men, if you don’t attend regularly, find a place to plug in!

Secondly, the sermon itself got me thinking. At one point, Jared said something along the line of “pride is the catalyst of all sin.” I am paraphrasing, but think about that for a minute. Put it to the test. Think back to the last time you messed up. Where was pride in all of that?

I immediately thought back to the previous day. We were in Memphis, the schedule wasn’t going as planned, I felt like my wife wasn’t helping with navigating or decision making, and the whole thing was just taking too long. I was hungry, tired, and wanted to get home to my couch. Pride. My situation matters more than those around me. So, I became cranky, short, and basically awful to Sarah. We spent the only full day we had between two business trips to Dallas not fully connected, and it was on me.

My challenge this morning is to examine your life for places where pride opens a door for sin to creep in. Does pride make you lazy (yes that can happen), does it make you create idols (think money, cars, clothes), does it make you angry (guilty more than I can imagine)? We all suffer from this, so when you take this mind set, don’t beat yourself up. Remember that Jesus died on the cross for that exact pride that hinders you and loves you despite it. Find a way to identify pride when it creeps in and put others before you, just as Jesus did.

Have a blessed day, men!

M.I.T.T. ~ Runyan