Good morning, men!

Last night I was reading through 2 Timothy, a book written by Paul as he was nearing his death in Rome (beheading by the emperor Nero). 

In Chapter 3, Paul warns Timothy of “perilous times” to come, filled with men who:

* love themselves

* love money

* boast / are full of pride

* disobey their parents

* are unthankful

* are unloving

* lack self-control

Many of us have children. When I read this passage, two things happened. I thought about people in our society today (who are glorified) that exude these characteristcs. I purposefully didn’t include an image, as to not influence your brain, but I am sure those descriptors brought some faces to mind for all of us.

Secondly, I thought of my boys. We all fail. No one can raise perfect children. But I do know this…..if I sit passively by, as a father, and allow the world to develop these things in the hearts of my children, I am failing them as their dad.

Last night at dinner, a guy who works for my company and I talked about how we discipline our kids. Both of us share a similar philosophy, and admit that as young parents, we have absolutely nothing “figured out.” What made the conversation so refereshing was listening to another young dad who was willing to stand his ground, have standards, and be willing to dig in and fight for the heart of his daughter.

Paul’s almost 2000 year old warning to Timothy still rings true today. Beware of those who serve themselves and fail to glorify God. As leaders and fathers, it is our calling to make sure those we influence have a clear understanding of how these traps serve only our selfish desires and not a loving Creator.

Have a blessed day, men!

M.I.T.T. ~ Runyan