I was very proud this last Sunday, my wife had made the decision to be baptized full submersion, at an event where there were over 100 people and I would estimate roughly 30 baptisms.  As the preparations were taking place, my 8 year old son Andre, looked up at me and said “Dad, I’m doing it too”, and I replied “Why? What does it mean to you Andre?” His answer “it means new life!”

Andre has a heart for God, and there really is no question about it.  He isn’t afraid to share it.  In fact, last night he was reading the Bible to about 5 kids or so that he plays with.  They were blairing Mercy Me and Big Daddy Weave while reading the Bible to one another.  I promise you I never did that as a child.

But, one thing Andre said as he waded into the water this last Sunday really stood out.  The Pastor asked him if he had anything to share and why he had made this decision, and Andre said “I just need to do this.”

My son is right, we just need to do this! Baptism is one thing, but his evangelical heart to share God with others and not be afraid of a public display of his faith in God is also so important….I’m not telling everyone go out today and get baptized (though it is something to pray about and consider) what I’m saying is when Andre said “I just need to do this” it perfectly aligned for me with what the Pastor at our church had said that morning in church that hit me in the heart.  “if you had the cure for cancer, wouldn’t you be eager to share it with everyone!”

Well, men, you have something better than that, you have the Doctor of all things, the King of Kings, the maker, the Great I am, and in this faith you have the hope that only a believer can see, the hope of eternal life!  Share it with all!


“And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.””
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭3:17‬ ‭NIV‬‬

