Good morning, men!

Today I want us to look at the purpose of prayer. I feel as if many people in our country see prayer as a preventative measure…..almost like a pill you take every day to keep a horrible disease away. “If I pray hard enough, maybe my kids will be healthy…hopefully I won’t get laid off…..I think my marriage may have a chance.”

First of all, let me say that there is nothing wrong with asking God to protect those around you from strife or to bless the people you love. However, if that becomes the PRIMARY REASON for prayer…..we are missing out!

Prayer offers us the opportunity to have an open and honest conversation with a benevolent and all-knowing Creator. I remember having my socks blown off two years ago when I heard a pastor talk about being openly angry with God. 

The ability to converse with our Father also gives us space to go to Him when life doesn’t turn out the way we want it to. I heard it said the other day, “The main purpose of prayer isn’t to prevent the storm…….it’s to get us through it when it hits.”

This morning, I want to challenge us ALL to do two things:

1. Go to the Lord today in conversation, not as a prevent defense (Texas A&M showed us how poorly those work against UCLA, anyway).

2. Find time in your prayer life to just be quiet and listen. Leave space for the conversation to be two sided.

I hope all of you are safe and well, in light of the recent weather. Have a blessed day, men!

M.I.T.T. ~ Runyan