Good morning, men! Two more days left in 2016! And does anyone else think the guy in the picture looks like Barry Bonds?!

This morning I met with a fellow Manly Message member for breakfast at a local restaurant at 6:30. We sat and talked about the holidays, blessings, and challenges ahead. Before I get into today’s message, I would like to encourage you to occasionally meet and break bread with fellow Christian men. We try to meet once a week, pray for each other, and hold each other accountable in Christ. These breakfasts are truly a blessing to my soul!

As we sat and talked this morning, we began discussing two main topics: my baseball team and his family. In a strange way, the topic of discipline continued to come up. How I wanted graceful discipline to be a part of our team….how people avoid discipline because it is painful….how modern parents shy from discipline in fear of not being their kids friend. 

Let’s look at what Hebrews tells us about discipline. Hebrews 12: 5-6 says:

“And have you forgotten the exhortation that addresses you as sons? “My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, nor be weary when reproved by him. For the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and chastises every son whom he receives.”

There are a few things I want to point out:

1. Our Father’s discipline is rooted in love. We are naturally sinful, and by disciplining us….He is growing us closer to His image. When we discipline our children/ players/ students it should be out of love for them and concern for their soul. If the punishment is rooted there, it mirrors the Father….and that is a good thing!

2. Hebrews tells us not to be weary when we are “reproved by him.” What a powerful message that has the potential to change our entire outlook! What if, instead of complaining at every turn when we face trials, we see those situations as loving discipline from our Father….growing us closer to him? 

Head out and face the day today knowing that our amazing God loves you enough to send his Son to die for you. That same love is applied to our trials. I know that seems scandalous, but it’s true! And most of all, when presented with the challenge of enacting discipline on the younger generation….do it with love and with the confidence that your words and actions mirror the passion our God has for us through Jesus.

Have a great weekend, men!

M.I.T.T. ~ Runyan