“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭41:10‬ ‭NIV‬‬

I am 35 years old and have been married for 8 years, I have 5 children and I work in pharmaceutical sales.  I can tell you, I’m constantly battling myself.  Let me explain.  I feel like I need to be in control of everything, and that its my responsibility to be out in front of things that “might” occur, and that it is my responsibility to nurture my marriage, and my responsibility to make sure the kids are raised right.  Throw on top of that the financial side of things where I’m constantly trying to make ends meet.  I feel like if there’s a few question marks in my profession maybe I should be in front of that, so that I’m not looking around like a fool when the dust settles saying what just happened?

If you are human, I would assume you have experienced some, if not all of these same feelings at one point or another.  I recently read an article on a woman who literally has had every bad thing possible happen to her.  She lost a child, became divorced, illness put her into a wheelchair with paralysis, she had so many major events happen to her.

When you look at me trying to control my issues the root of the problem is fear.  Imagine how much fear this woman came to know, in everything.  But, she said something that stuck with me, and it is that she has learned to trust God in all things, not just “if when” but “even when”.

The point of it all is that he is in control, so if we have fear, you can rest in knowing that as a Christian man of Faith, He is with you through all of it.  You do not have to control on your own the “if this happens” because He is going to help you through it “even when it happens”.

The hardest part of Christianity is giving it all up, dying to yourself and understanding our sovereign God takes care of it.  Does not mean I do not have responsibility, just means I can have confidence in knowing He is with me through it all, and He is only GOOD.
