Good morning, men! First of all, I want to apologize for missing the Family Friday message last week. In all honesty, I planned on posting it mid-day after our trip to the Christmas Tree Farm…..and totally forgot. Got caught up in the hot chocolate, hacksaws, and general Christmas spirit!

Today I would like to share about a book I have been reading lately. It is called “The Closer” and is by Mariano Rivera. Mariano grew up extremely poor in Panama and, as he tells it, through the blessings of the Lord became the most dominant closer in the history of baseball.

As I read this book, one thing keeps popping up again and again that is really doing some major surgery on my heart. He is writing about winning multiple World Series, striking out guys like Mike Piazza and Edgar Martinez…..yet NEVER ONCE takes credit for any of it. He continually gives thanks to God for his blessings and says that it is his faith in Christ that affords him success. Wow.

I am a drug rep/ youth baseball coach in Paragould, AR and I LOVE to take credit for the things I do well. Yet here is the most successful relief pitcher in the history of the game in his autobiography saying he has nothing if he doesn’t have Jesus and could accomplish nothing outside of his blessing. 

Ephesians 2:8 says, “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is a gift from God,”

If Mo believes it, we sure can. Have a blessed day!

M.I.T.T. ~ Andy