“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭28:19‬ ‭NIV‬‬

I know I am not alone on The Manly Message when I say I truly enjoy a healthy dose of competition.  I would venture to say the majority of us on here are just flat out wired that way, we cannot live without it.  When we have competition there is two sides, and we are both fighting for something different. I understand we face all sorts of opposition throughout every minute of the day. But, this message is more about creating disciples.  I have decided as a Christian, it’s time for me to take more of a stand against that opposition who pushes back toward us, and the beauty of this is going to actually be a capture of their hearts to show those individuals the amazing gifts of God’s love, mercy and grace. We want them on our TEAM.

I want to post a few examples of how this can be executed, but I truly hope today will be an interactive day where you all will share some thoughts.

1. Have prayerful patience for them

2. Ask God for the courage and the strength to be bold

3. Lead by example, imitators of Christ

What are some other ways we can bring God into these people’s lives?

(respond by hitting the two little message signs, and give your thoughts)
