Good morning, men!
I apologize for the late message this morning. Honestly, I am running on empty both physically and emotionally. I’m not using that as an excuse, I AM however asking for your prayers.

I have had one of those weeks where everything has seemed to hit all at once. My father had his cancer surgery in Pittsburgh Monday and I had this overwhelming and inexplicable feeling of dread all morning, despite the fact that he made it through fine. Sarah and I are struggling with our youngest son and his discipline, while working through some tough issues in our marriage. Our church is growing and expanding and we are struggling right now with where we fit in that plan. It literally has been a snowball effect, which coupled with the time change (yes I am getting old), has left me feeling exhausted and weary.

I couldn’t sleep last night due to worry and anxiety and finally I found myself around 1:30 praying for God to calm my heart and just give me and Sarah rest. I literally sat there and prayed that I knew that the devil had no foothold in my house because we are free in Christ and asked that God give us peace. I finally fell asleep (and my wife did too). We woke this morning with both boys in our bed and I had just an overwhelming sense of thankfulness. Thankful for my family. Thankful for my wife. Thankful for my job and house. 

Honestly men, I think this was directly from the Lord as a reminder that despite the spiritual warfare in my life, I am loved by Him and blessed beyond measure.

Psalm 61:3 says “For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe.” 

I believe that in the middle of my sleepless, anxious night, our amazing God was my strong tower and refuge that sheltered me from the storm and delivered me with a thankful heart this morning.

Have a great day men and thank you for your time!

M.I.T.T. ~ Runyan