Psalm 127:3 “Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from Him.”

Good morning men. I have been kind of focusing on this theme because this is the season of my life that I am in right now. I know not all men on are here a fathers but some may be uncles or you a father figure to someone. The point being is the love you feel for that child. There isn’t a way to put it into words. Cliche I know. However it is the truth. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for my children. I would lay my life down in an instant. That’s the love that Jesus has for us men, only times one million. He laid down his life for people who hated him. Could you imagine?!  That’s a different level of love but Christ has that for us guys. And for those that accept him, that’s also an indescribable feeling you get. Let’s help others to come to know him. However that avenue is, the Lord will lead you on it. Have a great day men. 
